In the interests of completeness, I'll go ahead and post my first forays into nail art. Now, at the time this was a beginning curiosity of no actual merit, so all pictures were taken with my crappy cell phone camera (and I don't have a smartphone, so it well and truly is a crappy camera). That said, I'll squeeze all of those onto this one post so it can be over and done with! I'll do my best to remember what colors I used.
Water marbling! I saw a picture online and decided to just try it.
Colors Used: Wet n Wild Wild Shine Caribbean Frost
Wet n Wild Fastdry The Wonder Yellows
Wet n Wild Wild Shine Blue Moon
Hard to see on this picture, but these are leaves! It was November and I was trying to be seasonal. I did a base water marble (since that's all I knew at the time and was having too much fun), then I made tiny leaves from masking tape and used that to block off areas while applying a second contrasting water marble.
Colors Used: Wet n Wild Fastdry Orange
Wet n Wild Fastdry The Wonder Yellows
Wet n Wild Fastdry Sage in the City
Second Layer: Revlon Raisin Rage
Revlon Plum Night

Decided to try something in red to be sporty even though I'm not much of a sports fan.
Colors Used: Wet n Wild Megalast I Red A Good Book
Sinful Colors Sugar Sugar
Wet n Wild Wild Shine Black Creme

Leaves again! This time I painted teeny leaves on top of a dark red gradient that faded to a nude color, because I was feeling adventurous.
Base: Wet n Wild Wild Shine Sparkling Dessert
Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Glossy
Leaves: Wet n Wild Megalast I Red A Good Book
Sinful Colors Sugar Sugar
Wet n Wild Fastdry Sage in the City
And after that I finally dragged my real camera out, so later posts will have higher quality images!