I had way too much fun with this silly prompt! The idea just had so much potential! Because rainbow unicorns in space aren't flamboyant enough, I just had to also use UV reactive polish and add some glow in the dark to boot. Woo!
I created the galaxy nails with a base of
Finger Paints Queen for a Night, which is an awesome navy with small green and gold flakes. I thought it worked perfectly for a deep sky! The galaxy effect was sponged on with a combo of lavender
Milani Rome, white
China Glaze White on White, mint
Revlon Minted, blue
Sinful Colors Jolt, and shimmery orange
Icing Falling for You.
The unicorn was painted with glow in the dark white
Serum No 5 Pure Glow Getter. His horn and hooves glow blue with
Serum No 5 Blue Blazes. I then used a small brush to paint his rainbow tail in stripes of UV reactive polish. Starting from the top, I used purple
China Glaze Plur-ple, blue
China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind, green
Morgan Taylor Go for the Glow, yellow
China Glaze Celtic Sun, orange
Fing'rs Re-orange My Closet, and pink
Color Club Warhol.
Indirect UV light |
Because that wasn't enough, I then added some glow in the dark powder on top of the polish. I had blue, greeen, yellow, orange, and pink, and it surprisingly enough is pretty see-through once a top coat is added. So I get the best of both worlds - UV reactive AND glow in the dark rainbows!
No light |
Colors Used:
Finger Paints Queen for a Night
Milani Rome
China Glaze White on White
Revlon Minted
Sinful Colors Jolt
Icing Falling for You
Serum No 5 Pure Glow Getter
Serum No 5 Blue Blazes
China Glaze Plur-ple
China Glaze DJ Blue My Mind
Morgan Taylor Go for the Glow
China Glaze Celtic Sun
Fing'rs Re-orange My Closet
Color Club Warhol
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